Prace naukowe zaprezentowane podczas konferencji:
- 24th International Student Scientific Conference 27-29.04.2016, Gdańsk:
- “Beat-to-beat blood pressure monitoring versus 24-hours ambulatory blood pressure
monitoring in determining functional outcome after ischemic stroke.”
Bartosz Jabłoński, Bartłomiej Rojek. Opiekun pracy: dr hab. med. Dariusz Gąsecki
Zwycięstwo w sesji Neurology and Psychiatry
- 22th International Student Scientific Conference 24-26.04.2014, Gdańsk:
- “Restless legs syndrome – relation between metabolism of iron and severity of symptoms of the disease”.
Bartłomiej Rojek, Jakub Chmielewski. Opiekun pracy: dr med. Mariusz Siemiński
- “Epilepsy and quality of life in patients after stroke.”
Marta Gonet, Marek Hałas. Opiekun pracy: dr med. M. Siemiński; lek. med. J. Pyrzowski
- “Laboratory parameters of the patients with headaches consulted by neurologist at the Emergency Department – preliminary analysis.”
Karolina Wejer, Borkowska J., Pupowska I. Opiekun pracy: dr med. M. Siemiński;
- “Presentation of a patient with transient global amnesia and a giant hippocampal sulcus cavity: a case report”
Paulina Jarębska, Aleksandra Berus. opiekun pracy: dr med. M. Siemiński